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December 12, 2019 3 min read 2 Comments

         Pastry shop Šuma and Boya was a friendship at the first encounter. They found a nice spot nearby for our shop and were willing to have our tableware for it. Still, it took a year and a half until we really did it. All the time our friendship grew and we shared a lot together. Most importantly, we shared the same values, professional ethics, passion for quality of a product. Our philosophies were matching and supportive to each other.

        We saw many different reasons are obstacles for this collaboration but now we know it needed time. It took us time to grow and to mature. We grew to better understand what we really do and equally important what the other one does. Simple as that. Well, not really a simple process but it is a ride worth taking.

poslasticarnica suma pastry


         Šuma (Shoo-mah) means Forest. Danijela and Sofija, grew up attached to a thick-forested mountain of Kosmaj. That formed their personalities, their connection to nature and therefore their aesthetics. For them, forest means health, purity, freshness... They both hold MA in architecture and they had their own design studio until realizing they'd rather work hard to express what they believed in than work hard to win just small gaps within the big projects. They went after the second passion they shared, the pastry. Their mission is to bring food that will hold the virtues of a forest.

poslasticarnica suma pastry

poslasticarnica suma pastry

poslasticarnica suma pastry

          For every collaboration we are to involve in, there is one precondition. The result must be an upgrade of the initial visions both sides had. Such approach asks for real work and stepping out of the routines. That is the seed of a good result in anything for us in Boya and Šuma, as well. They were inspired by the ampleness and richness of the summer forest scenes. I was thinking of colors and abstract motifs being sure that figurations in general are not my thing.

 poslasticarnica suma pastry

poslasticarnica suma pastry

poslasticarnica suma pastry

         We spent one sunny October day in Kosmaj. We were collecting herbs and I was listening about Danijela's love for that environment. There was no way back, I was going with herbal figurations. Those that I avoided for so long.  After more than a month of testings, together we came up with these pieces you see on the photos.

       The interior of Šuma pastry shop was designed after the same credo they defined when stared the brand. The consistency to our own beliefs is rewarding. Generally, everything we bring that way looks even better, refreshes and improves the old and moves us forward.

poslasticarnica suma pastry

 poslasticarnica suma pastry

poslasticarnica suma pastry

         The deep green pieces are made of colored porcelain. It takes time to find the desired nuance. The next challenge is that colored mass is much harder for shaping. Even with such mere technical task, having a clear brief and trust from the purchaser is important as it brings calmness to the process. We made these with minimal fails.

poslasticarnica suma pastry

poslasticarnica suma pastry

poslasticarnica suma pastry

          I combined painting with drawing with a needle tool. The collection is made of two cup sizes, those cute tiny saucers, bigger saucers and mousse bowls. And more is to come as it triggered our inspiration :)


       Part of the collection is open for the purchase. We welcome you to check it here.

2 Responses


December 13, 2019

Fale mi dovoljno dobri pridevi da se izrazim!! Ovo je divno!!! Šolje su najlepše!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


December 12, 2019


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