Each vase in this collection is a slender, tall beauty crafted with an eye for delicate balance and strength. The unique charm of these vases lies in their enchanting color palette - a serene blend of green, deep blue, and soothing beige reminiscent of a peaceful meadow caressed by a gentle breeze or the tranquil beauty of a seaside at dusk. Elegance.
Meticulously designed, each vase stands upright like a pillar from ancient Greek architecture, symbolizing strength and elegance. Its purpose extends beyond mere aesthetics; it's crafted with the fragility of the flowers it will hold in mind. In its subtle yet captivating presence, the vase becomes a gentle reminder of the care and attention that the valuable things in life deserve.
Each flower that graces it becomes a reminder of love, joy, or gratitude - a reminder that the most precious moments in life are often found in simple things.
These vases represent the collaboration of our team - Sandra initiated the idea of a single flower vase, Bilja assisted in the technical part of their creation, while Bojana set the color palette and decided on the final design. We call them our "babies." This is Sandra's first creative contribution after two years of being with us, starting with no prior experience but with a strong work ethic and a desire to learn. Congratulations!
Leto, a deity from Greek mythology, is celebrated for her extraordinary strength and resilience, demonstrated in protecting her twins, Apollo and Artemis, at their most vulnerable - while they were in her womb. These twins would later become protectors of all that is most beautiful in the world.